The Stories Behind the Snowflakes – CSM Bakery

CSM Bakery reached out to support our NHS Hospital Heroes Appeal at the beginning of the pandemic to offer their support with weekly donations of sweet bakery treats for our frontline staff.  On delivering to the hospital, their delivery staff got to hear first-hand how their sweet treats were helping to boost our weary workforce.  Even during the summer months when the numbers of hospital admissions decreased, CSM Bakery wanted to continue their support.    

CSM Bakery still continue to donate every Thursday and during the second wave, as more red (Covid) wards have been opened, these treats have been distributed.  CSM Bakery were one of the first companies to further support our NHS Hospital Heroes Appeal with their gift of £500.  This will enable us to support our staff and patients during the winter months where the greatest need is.  Eg furniture and electrical goods for additional wobble rooms to providing additional wellbeing support or additional activity and games items for children in hospital.