36 hours Whirlwind - Jasmin’s Story
Bradford's Women's Unit forever holds a special place in mine and my Husbands life. And here is why.
Our Story this is our Why
On 7th October 2021 I was rushed to Wigan's Royal Albert Edward Infirmary. Extremely ill they thought I had a kidney infection. In A&E they completed multiple tests one was a pregnancy test. I was advised previously I may struggle to have more children. I have Ulcerative Colitis PCOS and a few other medical conditions.
8th October 2021 I was told I was pregnant. It was covid times sat alone in the hospital after waiting 12hours to be seen. The sonographers had to scan me in A&E. I was then scanned and told I was approximately 30weeks pregnant. You can imagine the shock I was in finding out I was pregnant but also approximately 30weeks and had no bump either.
They told me I was going up to the Delivery ward for more examinations and I needed to ring my Husband to meet us up there.
Up on the Delivery Suite My Husband had arrived. They scanned me did lots of measurement checks and health checks then asked us if we wanted to know the sex? I remember us looking at each other and saying yes. It's a girl! We were so shocked.
We were also told I was displaying signs of pre-eclampsia and with measurements the baby was more likely to be 24 to 28 weeks. But there was likely chance we needed to delivery her. Wigan is level 2 unit and we needed a level 3 hospital. Three separate call outs were made over the 8th/9th October on the 3rd call out Bradford Women's Unit said we could go to them. At 1am Saturday 9th October 2021 I was in an Ambulance with a lovely midwife Michelle. Blue lighted from Wigan to Bradford with my husband following in our car.
On arrival we were taken to the labour ward. Handed over and booked in. They started to run tests and frequent checks. The consultant said they would try to keep baby in for as long as possible but I would probably need to deliver by the Wednesday.
Around 10am we were in and settled. Advised we would probably be in for a while and Hubby could nip home for clothes and things we may need. He set off to Wigan and planned to return that evening once he had packed a bag for us both. Around 7.30pm I went to use the toilet on the corridor a lady in the next room was in labour and our en suite was shared.
Whilst in the bathroom my body twitched then twitched again. I couldn't use my arm properly. I managed to pull the cord with my other hand and scrambled to the wheelchair in the bathroom. The nurse came in I explained to her I felt funny and was twitching which my body then jerked in front of her to.
She pulled me back to our room and pressed the emergency button. I was soon surrounded by a team discussions and prep started. I needed theatre for an emergency c-section. Your now showing signs of Severe Eclampsia and HELLP syndrome.
Feeling panicked I said "My Hubby wasn't back". They said to call him but I was going to theatre in next 10minutes this was 8pm. He was only just passing Rochdale returning and wasn't going to be close enough.
Taken to theatre I lay down on the bed. I remember hearing them say the room is going to become very busy with teams of people.
I couldn't really see but I remember a shadow and hearing "823 and she's out" I knew instantly she was with an incredible team as myself to!
Our girl was born on 9th October 2021 weighing 1lb 2oz at 24weeks and 2days. She was taken to the Neonatal unit which later became our home for the first 5weeks of Lyra's life. With the incredible hardworking teams on the ward with round the clock care. They certainly are Lyra's Special Aunties.
Our Neonatal journey lasted a total on 98days 3 different Neonatal hospitals. What I can only describe as a rollercoaster mentally physically and emotionally.
Now nearly 2 years on we remind ourselves daily what they did for us. I always say "forever grateful". The "BIG NEONATAL APPEAL” it felt only right that we did fundraise. And provided a little back to their future project. To know that future parents of the Bradford area or out of area patients like us brought to Bradford Women's can have more facilities to help them be close to their babies.
With our fundraising the value was £1877.70 from the Charity Race Night. This will be split between Wigan Neonatal and Bradford Neonatal.
There is also an online link available to still donate to until the 9th of October 2023, which will also be Lyra's 2nd Birthday!!
Please help, link below and please donate to help the ward expand there facilities.
We had so many fantastic businesses contribute with prizes which helped make the night a success.
If you, yourself want to give back, help future parents, please do your part to. Every little helps or donate to our link.
See photos below...